Friday 12 July 2013

Most Hilarious Awkward Moments

When you want to introduce someone and you get the name wrong...
When your friends parents scolds him in front of you...
When you go to the hospital and the doctor tells you that you are impotent but u have three kids at home...
When you change your facebook status to 'sinlge' and your ex likes it...
When you tease your friend only to later get that the joke was on you...
When you notice someone's zipper is down but you don't want to say anything because you don't have any excuse for looking down...
When you are feeling sleepy in the office... 

When you ride a cab instead of another transport and later find out you don't have enough money...
When you fall in front of your crush...
When you are trying to end a conversation but the person wont stop talking...
When you realize you have been mispronouncing a word all your life...
When someone mistakes you for a shop assistant...

1 comment:

paski said...

when u dont know whether to hug someone or not.
when people are singing happy birthday for uand u dont know what to do.
when u eat an order that isnt yours in a fast food.