Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Dead China Babies Eaten To Enhance Sexual Performance

Wonders shall never end in this world ooo, choii! See more photos after the cut...

A certain town in China called Canton(Guangdong) eat babies to boost sexual vigour and performance ( God have mercy).

The special meal is a delicacy where by expensive herbs are added to
boil the baby with chicken meat for eight hours.

The Seoul Times confirmed that news with several vivid and appalling pictures of human embryos and fetuses being made into a soup for
human consumption.

A human baby is dumped into the water for boiling in China

A human baby is being prepared for food in China

The cost of having this meal in Chinese currency is approximately Rs
2,000 (which is about US $4,000).

A man of 62 years confessed to a reporter that eating the delicacy had enhanced sexual a ctivity between him and his 19 year old wife, after which he led the reporter to the restaurant a couple of weeks
later after the restaurant manager confirmed the sparerib soup (local code for babysoup) was now available.

The baby for the soup was sourced from a couple who already had two daughters decided to abort the child after receiving confirmation that the 5 month old baby was another girl.

Other sources of the babies include:
Babies who are close to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency.

Those aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China currency.
Placentas can also be accepted also for couple of hundreds.

Dead babies can be purchased in Taiwan for 70 US dollars for being used as grilled delicacies.

Cant belive ma eyes,

what do u have to say about this?


Amy said...

God forbid..it's been long i've been suspecting Chinese people of being aliens

Anonymous said...

I can't believe. I want to think its not true.